Pilgrimage calendar 2024

Pilgrimage Calendar, Mátraverebély-Szentkút - 2024

In the Year of Prayer, preparation for the 2025 Jubilee

Saturday 6 April – Divine Mercy Pilgrimage with István Csizmadia, Rector of the Cathedral of Eger

Friday-Saturday 12-13 April – Pilgrimage of Consecrated Persons with Antal Majnek OFM, Bishop Emeritus of Munkács (UA)

Saturday 20 April – Pilgrimage in the traditional form of the Roman Rite with Balázs Barsi OFM

Saturday 11 May - Pilgrimage of the Hungarian speaking Faithful of the Diocese of Rozsnyó (SK) with Gábriel Rákai, Episcopal Vicar

Saturday-Sunday-Monday 18-19-20 May - PENTECOST PILGRIMAGE with Szilárd Keresztes, G.C. Bishop Emeritus of Hajdúdorog (Sun), and Balázs Bábel, Archbishop of Kalocsa (Mon)

Saturday 25 May – Kindergarteners’ pilgrimage with László Zatykó OFM

Sunday 26 May ― Feast of Sacred Trinity with László Varga, Bishop of Kaposvár

Friday 7 June – Sacred Heart Pigrimage, common celebration of the Anointing of the Sick, Pilgrimage of the Institutions of the Catholic Caritas with Antal Spányi, Bishop of Székesfehérvár

Saturday 8 June - Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pilgrimage of the Flame of Love Movement with Lajos Varga, Auxiliary Bishop of Vác

Sunday 16 June – Feast of Saint Anthony of Padua: the blessing of children with Balázs L. Martos, Auxiliary Bishop of Esztergom-Budapest

Sunday 23 June - Feast of Saint Ladislaus the King, Equestrian Pilgrimage with Gábor Mohos, Auxiliary Bishop of Esztergom-Budapest

Saturday-Sunday 29-30 June and Tuesday 2 July - FEAST OF VISITATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, Pilgrimage of Couples, Engaged Couples, Married Couples, and Couples Longing for Child Birth, with Zsolt Marton, Bishop of Vác (Sun.)

Saturday 6 July – National Roma Pilgrimage with Péter Lakatos, National Rapporteur of Roma Pastoration

Saturday-Sunday 13-14 July - Feasts of St. Mary of Mount Carmel and Saint Camillus de Lellis: Pilgrimage of Paramedics with Alfréd György MI, Father Provincial in Vienna (Sun.)

Friday-Saturday-Sunday 26-27-28 July - FEAST OF SAINT ANNA, Pigrimage of Grandparents with Tibor Berta, Military Bishop of Hungary (Sun.)

Friday 2 August – Feast of Portiuncula, common celebration of the Anointing of the Sick, Pilgrimage of Care Homes with Ferenc Fazekas, Bishop of Szabadka (SRB)

Thursday-Saturday-Sunday 15, 17-18 August - SOLEMNITY OF ASSUMPTION & PATRON’S DAY with György Udvardy, Archbishop of Veszprém (Sun.)

Tuesday 20 August - Feast of Saint Stephen the King, Franciscan Youth Pilgrimage & First Mass of Paszkál Gács OFM and Efrém Kis OFM

Sunday 25 August - Pilgrimage of Bikers with Bonaventura Főcze OFM, Parish Pastor of Déva (RO)

Thursday 29 August - Feast of the Martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist, Pilgrimage of the Hungarian speaking Faithful of the Diocese of Besztercebánya (SK) with József Parák, Episcopal Vicar

Saturday-Sunday, 7-8 September - NATIVITY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY with László Kiss-Rigó, Bishop of Szeged-Csanád (Sun.), pilgrim train from Budapest-Keleti Station to Nagybátony Station with Csaba Böjte OFM (Sat.)

Saturday 14 September - Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, Slovakian Pilgrimage with Bernard Bober, Archbishop of Kassa (SK)

Saturday 21 September - Greek Catholic Pilgrimage with Sándor Jaczkó, G.C. Episcopal Vicar of Budapest

Sunday 22 September – Feast of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina and the National Pilgrimage of University Students with András Törő National Rapporteur of University Students’ Pastoration and András Héray, University Chaplain in Budapest

Sunday and Tuesday 6-8 October - Feasts of Our Lady of the Rosary and Our Lady of Hungary, Pilgrimage with Atanáz Orosz G.C. Bishop of Miskolc (Sun.) and Kornél Fábry, Auxiliary Bishop of Esztergom-Budapest (Tue.)

Saturday 26 October - Saint Hubertus Pilgrimage for Foresters and Hunters, Exhibition of Antlers and Horns from East-Cserhát Region with Mihály Laczkó, Parish Priest of Monor