Pilgrimage calendar 2023

Pilgrimage Calendar, Mátraverebély-Szentkút - 2023

In the year of the 14th Synod of Bishops

Sunday 25 June - Feast of Saint Ladislaus the King, Equestrian Pilgrimage with Szabolcs Benedek Fekete, Auxiliary Bishop of Szombathely

Sunday 2 July - FEAST OF THE VISITATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, Pilgrimage of Couples, Engaged Couples, Married Couples, and Couples Longing for Child Birth, with Zsolt Marton, Bishop of Vác

Saturday 8 July – National Roma Pilgrimage with András Veres Bishop of Győr, President of the Conference of the Catholic Bishops of Hungary

Sunday 16 July - Feasts of Mary of Mount Carmel and Saint Camillus de Lellis: Pilgrimage of Paramedics with Alfréd György MI, Delegatus Generalis in Vienna and Fülöp Kocsis, Greek Catholic Archbishop of Hajdúdorog

Saturday-Sunday and Wednesday 22-23 and 26 July - FEAST OF SAINT ANNA, Pigrimage of Grandparents with Ábel Szocska OSBM, Greek Catholic Bishop of Nyíregyháza (Sun)

Wednesday 2 August – Feast of Portiuncula, the Anointing of the Sick, Pilgrimage of Care Homes with Csaba Ternyák Archbishop of Eger

Saturday-Sunday-Tuesday 12-13-15 August - SOLEMNITY OF ASSUMPTION & PATRON’S DAY with Cardinal Péter Erdő, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest (Sun) and László Felföldi Bishop of Pécs (Tue)

Sunday 20 August - Feast of Saint Stephen the King, Franciscan Youth Pilgrimage & First Mass of Benjámin Juhos OFM and Atanáz Radványi OFM

Sunday 27 August - Pilgrimage of Bikers with Péter Geszler, Parish Pastor of Kiskunfélegyháza-Óplébánia

Monday 29 August - Feast of the Martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist, Pilgrimage of the Hungarian Faithful of the Diocese of Banska Bystrica/Besztercebánya (SK) with József Parák, Episcopal Vicar

Friday-Saturday-Sunday, 8-10 September - NATIVITY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY with Ferenc Palánki Bishop of Debrecen-Nyíregyháza

Saturday 16 September - Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, Slovakian Pilgrimage with Stanislav Stolárik Bishop of Rožnava/Rozsnyó (SK)

Saturday 23 September - Greek Catholic Pilgrimage with Sándor Jaczkó, G.C. Episcopal Vicar of Budapest

Sunday 24 September – Feast of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina and the National Pilgrimage of University Students with András Törő National Referent of Pastoral Care of Students and András Héray, University Chaplain of Budapest

Saturday-Sunday 7-8 October - Feasts of Our Lady of the Rosary and Our Lady of Hungary, Pilgrimage with Lajos Pápai Retired Bishop of Győr (Sun)

Saturday 28 October - Saint Hubertus Pilgrimage for Foresters and Hunters with Márton Z. Fazakas OPraem, Abbot of Csorna, Trophy Parade of East-Cserhát Region