Dear Pilgrim


A warm welcome to all our guests on behalf of the whole community of the Mátraverebély-szentkút Franciscan friary. 

My name is Lóránt Orosz, and I am the quardian, or, as we Franciscans call it, the custos, that is to say a guardian. The guardian of the fraternal community serving here, and also the guardian of the Holy Well (Szentkút) around which our national shrine came into being.
Pilgrims have been visiting here for more than 800 years to step out of their everyday routine in order to find God – as we pray it in Psalm 84, “Blessed the man who finds refuge in you, in their hearts are pilgrim roads. As they pass through the Baca valley, they find spring water to drink. The early rain covers it with blessings.”

This holy place and the beauty of the surrounding Cserhát hills encourage reconciliation with God, people, and ourselves. The Sacrament of Reconciliation gives life as water does according to the psalmist. Returning home, the reconciled pilgrim can give thanks to the Lord, and be more patient with their environment; in other words, they can become better people. We Franciscans, the four of us, together with many colleagues, priests and laypeople are here to participate in this service.

We would like to welcome and help everyone seeking the Lord.

Lóránt Orosz OFM Shrine Director
